The Potential CBD Oil Benefits for Skin

Did you know, your skin has its own endocannabinoid system (ECS)?
Every single skin cell in your body contains ECS receptors, which interact with CBD to promote balance. And it’s this unique mechanism that makes CBD an absolute dream ingredient for skincare, helping to harmonise the workings of your skin like nothing else out there.
Things have changed a lot since CBD landed in the UK, and much of that is thanks to the huge number of studies getting published that explore the vast potential applications of CBD.
Some of these trials indicate that the CBD molecule holds amazing therapeutic potential for treating acne, atopic dermatitis, keratin diseases, eczema and more, which is why multiple household-name beauty brands have now tapped into skincare’s best-kept secret.
Wondering if CBD skincare is right for you? Here’s everything you need to know…
CBD Skincare: Improves ‘Endocannabinoid Tone’
When you use CBD skincare, you improve something called endocannabinoid tone. Essentially this is the regulation and strengthening of your endocannabinoid system.
This is key when it comes to taking good care of your skin because healthy endocannabinoid tone helps to regulate the normal function of the waterproof skin barrier - our first defence against microbes, UV rays, free radicals and pollution.
CBD for Eczema
It’s this function of improving endocannabinoid tone that plays a vital role in how CBD can help with eczema – a condition that around 15 million people in the UK are suffering from.
Whatever the root cause, eczema flares up due to having a defective skin barrier, which is why many of the lotions and potions you’ll find available to treat it are formulated to create a temporary protective layer out of lipid and ceramide ingredients.
While this helps give the skin time to heal itself without being irritated further, CBD actually supports the repairing of the defective barrier through the activation of CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors.
CBD for Acne
A study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation tested out how CBD might affect sebocytes (a major cell which, when overactive, can cause acne) and human skin cultures. The researchers found that topical application of CBD may exert a complex anti-inflammatory action to soothe swelling, redness and further irritation.
Atopic Dermatitis, Keratin Diseases, and More…
Just like with CBD drops, it would appear that the longer you use CBD skincare, the better the results. When applied regularly CBD has been shown to potentially help normalise excessive sebum production, assist with the turnover of new skin cells and reduce the impact of free-radical damage.
It doesn’t stop there! CBD has also been found to work with keratinocytes, mast cells, melanocytes and sebocytes in the layers of the skin to produce a whole host of balancing effects.
Is CBD Suitable for Sensitive Skin?
CBD skincare is of course made up of more than just CBD, so it’s important to check the ingredients for signs of anything that you know your skin doesn’t love. But CBD on its own is perfectly suitable for every skin type.
The Orange County Uplifting Collagen Face Cream has, like all our products, been created with the utmost care, packed with thoughtfully selected ingredients such as plumping collagen to further enhance the benefits of CBD.
Hemp Seed Oil for Skin
While CBD is derived from the hemp leaf, stalk and flower material, not the seeds, hemp seed oil definitely deserves a shout-out here too! Because this is yet another skincare superhero brought to us courtesy of the cannabis plant.
Amazingly, hemp seed oil is the only oil from nature that boats a ‘perfect’ omega 3:6 ratio, all 21 amino acids and all B vitamins. Impressive, huh? This is particularly good news for those with acne-prone skin, which tends to have a problematic imbalance of oleic acid and linoleic acid and a need for rebalancing. Perhaps unsurprisingly, dry skin is also commonly deficient in essential fatty acids, which are used to create a healthy skin membrane.
As well as all this, hemp seed oil is non-comedogenic (meaning, it doesn’t clog pores), matches your skin lipids so closely it can penetrate the skin layers deeply with ease, and also contains vitamin E, carotene, phytosterols, phospholipids, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc!
How to Use CBD Skincare
Apply your CBD skincare as you would with any other! If you’re layering skincare, remember to use serum first, followed by moisturiser and finally face oil on top to lock in the moisture.
As with all CBD, the best results come with time and regular use. So be sure to indulge your skin morning and night with a 50p-sized dollop of our collagen face cream, and watch your skin radiate.
Using CBD skincare isn’t the only way to boost endocannabinoid production - exercise, meditation and eating certain foods can help, too. But, using CBD skincare is a fast-tracked, targeted way to give your skin what it needs to glow, fast!