How To Vape Without Coughing

How to vape without coughing? It's a question we get asked at Orange County CBD a lot - so, let's take a look at some of the ways you can enjoy your e-cig without the cough that goes with it!
First thing you need to know: It’s totally common to cough when you vape - particularly if you're a beginner.
If you’re brand new to vaping there’s a good chance that this annoying cough will decrease naturally will practice, but if it persists you may have to take a few steps.
This isn’t a difficult fix though: for the most part, a persistent cough from vaping happens because you are sensitive to certain ingredients, aren't using your device in the right way or are perhaps just vaping incorrectly.
But if you do need to make a change to address one or all of these issues, then odds are it won’t be a particularly big one.
If you take the advice we’re about to give you, then with luck you’ll be able to enjoy your vaping experience all the more.
How to vape without coughing: change your technique
Many people who come to vaping from smoking treat their vape devices the same way they treat their cigarettes, which is a rather big misunderstanding.
Just because they serve a similar purpose in your life does not mean that they are interchangeable, and the way that you approach using a vape should be a little bit different different.
If you begin by chain-vaping or take long, hard hits like you would from a cigarette, then there’s a good chance you’ll be irritating your throat into a cough.
This also includes changing the speed of inhaling and exhaling, giving your throat the chance to cool and recover before the next drag.
For many people the solution lies in inhaling the vape directly into your lungs and then exhaling slowly.
If you find it challenging to vape directly into your lungs, try vaping into your mouth first before slowly breathing it into your lungs.
Adjusting your airflow can help to prevent the vapor from going straight into the lungs, which is key in learning how to vape without coughing.
Slow down. Simply put: if you inhale deep and fast, the vapor will go directly to your lungs and has a big chance of triggering a cough.
Check the nicotine levels
High levels of nicotine in your vape juice can also cause you to cough from vaping, as the nicotine may be irritating your throat when you inhale.
If you find that you are persistently coughing when using a vape - try adjusting your nicotine levels to find the perfect balance suitable for your throat, going for a less-intense or entirely nicotine-free e-liquid.
If you’re brand new to vaping, consider starting with lower nicotine strength and adjusting the levels with time as you get used to it.
Alternatively, replacing the nicotine in your e-liquid with something like CBD is a good way to ensure that your vaping experience carries a hit without the danger of your throat being irritated.
It’s also worth noting that the PG:VG ratio of the e-liquid can have an impact on the throat.
Check this ratio of your e-liquid and, if possible, try one that leans more towards propylene glycol rather than vegetable glycerin.
For many people a 70:30 ratio is the perfect fit, so if possible try an e-liquid of this ratio.
Wait until after quitting smoking
Smoking damages cilia (the hair-like structures on your throat). The primary purpose of these cilia is to clear mucus from the respiratory tract.
Smokers get mucus-heavy coughs because their cilia are damaged.
When you quit smoking you cilia start to recover, which can itself cause coughing.
This is why many ex-smokers end up with a persistent cough as the cilia regain their function. If you have recently quit smoking, you may struggle to vape without coughing.
Once your cilia are regrown fully then you will find that your throat is less easily irritated and responds much better to vaping.
Use a lower wattage to help you to vape without coughing
The more power you send to your coil, the hotter it gets and the more vapor your device produces.
Too much vapor can cause coughing in even experienced vapers. Those who are trying out vape tricks experience this most.
Though you might get impressive clouds with a lot of vapor, you may also cough, especially if you are not used to inhaling large quantities of vapor.
To avoid coughing while vaping, reduce the wattage setting on your mod or switch to a higher-resistance coil if you are using a vape pen.
You could also try different atomizer heads or drip-tips until you find one that delivers the right amount of vapor for your throat.
Change your e-Liquid flavour
Though less common, sometimes a vaper's cough can come about simply because of the flavour of e-liquid they use. Sharp citrusy or fruity flavours or those that have strong menthol tastes may cause a tickly throat more than others.
If this is the case, switch to a tobacco or a menthol flavour. Fruity or tobacco flavours are less intense on the throat, helping in certain cases to reduce coughing while vaping.
This cough could also be a sign of a minor allergic reaction to a particular e-liquid ingredient, so be sure to check the label for any known allergens.
If you can’t find any known allergens but the cough persists - and you’re certain that it’s an allergic reaction - consult with your doctor about what particular ingredients could be triggering this reaction.
Drink more water to help avoid coughing
The two key components of e-liquids are, Propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), can cause dehydration and dryness in the throat.
Although the ratio of these two components often shifts in order to deliver different textures and flavours in e-liquids, the high concentration of either one can dry out your throat.
To reduce coughing while vaping, make sure you drink plenty of water both before, during and after your session, being sure to give plenty of time between sessions for your throat to recover.
Adjust the airflow settings on your vape
Some people struggle to vape without coughing simply because they have the wrong airflow settings on their devices.
The airflow in your device has a significant role to play in how you enjoy your vaping, as it both helps to determine the size of your cloud and cool it down before it hits your throat.
If the airflow is too low, it might cause you to inhale sharply to pull out more vapor. This will also mean that the vapor that is quite hot, as there has been too little airflow to cool it down.
Alternatively if the airflow settings are too high you may end up inhale more vapor, also resulting in a potentially painful cough.
If you’re a beginner then, like so much in vaping, use a lower setting and adjust it as you get used to the device.
Change The Coil
Vaping devices need to have their coils changed semi-regularly; (this is one of the most commonly misunderstood parts of vaping, particularly for new starters.)
The cotton wick that socks up the e-liquid will burn-out with time, not to mention it can clog up with carbon and residue without thorough cleaning.
There are coils that can last as little as a week, while some are designed to last longer, though really it all comes down to use.
If you feel that the e-liquid tastes slightly off, the vapor you breathe out is not so clear or has a particularly low volume, this is a good sign that the coil needs changing.
A burned-out coil will not properly vaporise e-liquid, carrying carbonised elements into the vapour and generally being irritating to the throat.
If you’re finding that you're struggling to vape without coughing then it may be time to clean the coil, or change it entirely.
How to vape without coughing: A summary
While most coughs you experience from vaping are minor and temporary, it is possible to vape without coughing at all.
The tips above will help you improve your vaping experience, letting you avoid some of the most common causes of a vaping cough and knowing how to resolve it when it does appear.
As with so much in the vaping world, the more you practice the better you will get. Coughs can strike any vaper no matter how experienced, but letting your throat get used to vaping certainly helps to avoid it.
The more practice you get, the easier it will be to learn how to vape without coughing - and the more you will be able to enjoy it.